
Monday, May 31, 2010

Risks of Laser Eye Surgery

The eyes needs extreme care because it is a
fragile organ. The laser eye treatment is very popular but most people are not aware of its risks and it costs thousands of dollars. Before going for the laser eye surgery it is better to understand the risks and complications involved in laser surgery. There are lot of risks involved in laser eye surgery some of them are.

Loss of vision and infection : There is no statistics of complete loss of vision after undergoing the eye surgery but there are some stats and reports of partial loss of eye vision after surgery. The chance of infection is 0.1 percent this usually happened from lack of care after the laser eye surgery.

Eye dry : Another risk of laser eye surgery is eye dry it is most common risk of laser surgery and most common in people who have history or background of dry eye.

Halo effect or Night glare : Some pupils experienced the halo or night glare effect after laser eye surgery it is basically a optical effect which can be noticed while driving in night some patients see round lights and worse after eye surgery when driving mostly in night.

Results diminished with age : It is also reported that the results of the laser eye surgery diminished with the age this is very big problem for the far sighted patients.

Delay in healing : It is very rare risk of laser eye surgery it is connected with the patients which have any previous eye diseases.

Under correction or over correction : The chances of hundred percent successful operations are not enough high that is why there is always a risk involved in laser eye surgery its totally depends on the doctor and the way your eye heal after operation so this is another big risk in laser surgery.

There are alarming risks involved in eye laser surgery so it is very advisable that before going for laser surgery always try to look towards its complications and risks.


  1. I myself feel that it is very risky for you to do laser surgery of eyez, coz eye is one of sensitive part of our body, nice info dude

  2. An essential part of eye care is eating the right foods that contain the right vitamins to help keep the eyes health.

  3. Laser eye surgery is one of the safest ways to get your seeing ability back.

  4. I’ve just read this article. I think this article is very informative. You put here very important information. I have been looking for this kind of article for along time. I finally find it.

  5. Nice article. Thanks for sharing the details about the surgery.

  6. Good article. Now i'm know that laser not good for eye surgery. Thanks.

  7. Laser eye surgery is one of the safest ways to get your seeing ability back.

  8. To take laser eye surgerly is a very scare thing for me. I can imagine how a doctor taking operating it.

  9. its a very good article
    Laser eye surgery is one of the safest ways to get your seeing ability back.

  10. i have once thought of getting this surgery as one of my friends was going through the surgery and she was very happy about it. but as you say the risk are numerous.

  11. Nowadays, most people are not aware of laser eye surgery risks. I hope this article could make people more aware about that risks before choose to do laser eye surgery.

  12. Indeed, i agree with the article;
    One of my friend took some eye surgery, mainly to do lasyk procedure and end with some eye malfuncton whic leading to another series of eye surgery.
    Nowday e get is eye recovered, but not totally normal as it was, his pupyl position is not symetric again...

  13. Of course there are risks and probably it is not very good for a long term benefit to the eye...but since it is a wonderful way to correct the vision it has picked up a lot of fan fare.
