
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Low Back Pain

When ever we stand, the lower back helps in supporting the weight of upper body and when ever we bend, rotate, or extend the lower back performs the function of movement. So the lower back performs the main function of whole body without it we can not do anything.
Lower back Pain is a common musculoskeletal disorder which affects more than 85% people of the world at some point in their lives, It is one of the biggest cause for more sick leaves and absentees from offices, industries or any sector. Its duration is different according to each case, but it usually takes a week or two in recovering.

Causes Of Low Back Pain :

Main causes of low back pain are :
Lumbar Strain, Posture, Spinal Stenosis, Nerve Irritation, Expanding of bones, Bones Or Joint Conditions, Fractures, Arthritis, Leg Lenth Difference, Ovary Problems, Kidney Problems, Use of too hard or too soft mattresses while sleeping etc.

Diagnosis For Low Back Pain :

Doctors or specialists advice the victim to test X RAY or CT Scan of lower back side.

Treatment For Low Back Pain :

Treatments are given to victims according to their pain level or category, some of the treatments are as :
1. Massage Therapy can be a quick beneficial for patients.
2. Yoga postures can also benefit patient.
3. Heating the lower back side may also result in relief, some times cold therapy is also advised.
4. Some unique kinds of shoes are also provided to the victim.

Surgery can also be advised to the patient if one's health is critical.

Prevention :

These simple steps can be taken in order to be prevented from lower back pain :

1. Protect back side from injury.
2. Routine exercise like cycling, weight lifting, swimming, walking can also prevent one from lower back pain.
3. One should adobe good postures in order to be protected.
4. Never lift heavy objects individually but take help from someone.
5. Eat healthy diet like Vitamin D, which helps in strengthening of bones.


  1. Great article about back pain! BioVeda has a really good article about back pain also! You should check it out!

  2. This is really a new field to me. I think I’ve learned more than before from your writing. I think that this article may be very useful and first off all very helpful. I will give 5 out of 5 rating for this article.

  3. Great article about back pain, i was knowing about back pains, but this Article make me more knowledge about back pain. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This articles is new think for me. I like all of about health, including this article. Thanks.

  5. This articles is new think for me. I like all of about health, including this article. Thanks.

  6. Owww, back pain. I hate it. Can we back pain if we often dance?

  7. oww back bain i hate back pain
    this article is good i like this article

  8. i have been constantly sitting in front of my computer. During this time i do not have pain, but when i stand up or do something else like lifting heavy object i have back pain. hope this article will help me.

  9. Nice article....
    Low back pain usually happens to someone because lack of information about how to taken care about their back itself, like
    one should adobe good postures in order to be protected, never lift heavy objects individually but take help from someone, etc.
    I hope this article could help people with low back pain problems...

  10. Does ciropractik and pilates can solve this problem? Im used to work 12 hours daily in front of computer and feel this kind of disease lately...

  11. Does ciropractik and pilates can solve this problem? Im used to work 12 hours daily in front of computer and feel this kind of disease lately...

  12. Hi,

    I would like to use the beautiful drawing of the man with back pain on this article in a scientific presentation that might be published online (nonprofit).

    Where can I ask for permission to do so, and how do I report the copyright?

