Showing posts with label malaria causes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label malaria causes. Show all posts

Saturday, April 24, 2010


The word Malaria comes from an Italian word "mala" which means "bad" and "aria" which means "air", So after combining these two words its mean Bad Air.
Malaria is caused by a bite of female Anopheles Mosquito, it happens when the female anopheles mosquito bites someone and sucks the blood of body, after having the blood of the infected person in the body of female mosquito for a week, blood mixes with the malaria parasites.
When the female attacks on the other body after a week or two, she injects the old blood into the body of a new victim and the parasites blood mixes in blood.
After spending some weeks or sometimes month in the liver of the victims bod, the malaria parasites starts multiplying with in the red blood cells, and causes body the symptoms of fever, headache, acne etc.

Each year nearly more than 400 million cases of Malaria found throughout the world, in which 50 to 60 percent cases are found in Sub Saharan Africa.
This disease grows faster in children with the ages of 6-12 years.

Symptoms Of Malaria :

The main symptoms of malaria are :
High Fever, vomiting, headache, sweating, chills, sometimes dry cough and fatigue ( feeling less energy ). These all symptoms occurs in a cycle time to time, and they all have a specific period.

How To Prevent :

This disease can be prevented by using mosquito nets, spraying against mosquitoes inside and outside homes, specially on plants,beds, tables etc, some vaccines are also available in market and by using anti malarial medication.


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