
Monday, October 25, 2010

Dengue Fever In Pakistan

Now a days, more than 1000 people are facing this deadly disease and are admitted in hospitals of Pakistan. Sindh and some regions of Punjab are effected with this Virus...
Certain MEGA PLATELETS are provided by ABBASI SHAHEED HOSPITAL free of cost in Karachi.

for more info contact : ( For Patients In Pakistan Only )


  1. This fever which is caused by mosquitoes and therefore you have to be very careful in such countries where still the environment is not too free of the hazardous mosquito bites.It has a lot of side effects after medication and cure too.

  2. measeals which caused by elergy with mosquitos and therefore you have to be very careful in such countries where still the environment is not too free of the hazardous mosquito bites.

  3. Not only Pakistan but many countries are being victims of dengue fever. There are so many people affected with this deadly fever.
